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This package contains an implementation of the W3C XML
Schema Language, a recommendation of the Worldwide Web Consortium
available in three parts:
XML Schema: Primer and
XML Schema: Structures and
XML Schema: Datatypes.
We consider this implementation to be complete except for the
limitations cited below. The implementation has been
extensively tested and known problem areas are set out below.
In this document we also discuss our interpretation of the
specifications where it seems to us particularly likely that
others might arrive at a different interpretation.
We would very much appreciate feedback on the package via
theXerces-J mailing list, and we
encourage the submission of bugs as described in
the FAQ.
Please read this document before using this package.
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- No interface is provided for exposing the post-schema
validation infoset , beyond
that provided by DOM or SAX;
- The parser permits situations in which there is
circular importing; that is, where there
is a series of schemas which contain <import>
information items whose effect is
recursive. However, the parser only permits forward
references--that is, references directed from the
direction of the schema cited in the instance
document to other schemas. For instance, if schema A
imports schema B which also imports schema A, and an
instance document validates against schema A, then
any reference in schema b to an information item from
schema A will produce an error. Circular
<include>s have similar limitations.
- length, minLength, and maxLength facets are limited to the value
2147483647. Items larger than this limit will not be validated
- year and seconds values in date/time datatypes are limited to the
value 2147483647. Items larger than this limit will not be validated
- Due to the way in which the parser constructs content
models for elements with complex content, specifying large
values for the
minOccurs or maxOccurs
attributes may cause the parser to throw a
StackOverflowError . Large values for
minOccurs should be avoided, and
unbounded should be used instead of a large value
for maxOccurs .
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- Due to changes in the specification for Decimals in
JDK1.3, not all decimals that should be invalid according
to the Schema specs may be found by the parser;
 |  |  |  | Interpretation of Areas that are Unclear or Implementation-Dependent |  |  |  |  |
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- QName: the specification does not define the unit of length. We
chose to implement the length facet as being in units of XML characters
in the value space ( # of chars in namespace URI + ":" +
local part );
- We have interpreted the specs as requiring
<keyref> Identity Constraints to refer to
<key> or <unique> identity constraints within
the scope of the elements to which the <keyref> is
attached. This interpretation is at variance with the
Schema Primer, which contains an example with a
<keyref> declared on an element used inside the
element of its corresponding <key>;
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The parsers contained in this package are able to read and
validate XML documents with the grammar specified in either
DTD or XML Schema format.
The schema is specified by the xsi:schemaLocation or
xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation attribute on the root
element of the document. The xsi prefix must be bound to the
Schema document instance namespace, as specified by the
Recommendation. See the sample provided in the
Usage section.