Xerces-C++ 3.3.0
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CAbstractDOMParserThis class implements the Document Object Model (DOM) interface
 CAttributeListInterface for an element's attribute specifications
 CAttributesInterface for an element's attribute specifications
 CContentHandlerReceive notification of general document events
 CDeclHandlerReceive notification of DTD declaration events
 CDefaultHandlerDefault base class for SAX2 handlers
 CDefaultPanicHandlerReceive notification of panic
 CDocumentHandlerReceive notification of general document events
 CDOMCDATASectionCDATA sections are used to escape blocks of text containing characters that would otherwise be regarded as markup
 CDOMCharacterDataThe DOMCharacterData interface extends DOMNode with a set of attributes and methods for accessing character data in the DOM
 CDOMCommentThis interface inherits from CharacterData and represents the content of a comment, i.e., all the characters between the starting ' <!–' and ending '–>'
 CDOMConfigurationThe DOMConfiguration interface represents the configuration of a document and maintains a table of recognized parameters
 CDOMDocumentThe DOMDocument interface represents the entire XML document
 CDOMDocumentFragmentDOMDocumentFragment is a "lightweight" or "minimal" DOMDocument object
 CDOMDocumentTraversalDOMDocumentTraversal contains methods that create DOMNodeIterators and DOMTreeWalkers to traverse a node and its children in document order (depth first, pre-order traversal, which is equivalent to the order in which the start tags occur in the text representation of the document)
 CDOMDocumentTypeEach DOMDocument has a doctype attribute whose value is either null or a DOMDocumentType object
 CDOMElementBy far the vast majority of objects (apart from text) that authors encounter when traversing a document are DOMElement nodes
 CDOMEntityThis interface represents an entity, either parsed or unparsed, in an XML document
 CDOMEntityReferenceDOMEntityReference objects may be inserted into the structure model when an entity reference is in the source document, or when the user wishes to insert an entity reference
 CDOMErrorDOMError is an interface that describes an error
 CDOMErrorHandlerBasic interface for DOM error handlers
 CDOMImplementationThe DOMImplementation interface provides a number of methods for performing operations that are independent of any particular instance of the document object model
 CDOMImplementationListThe DOMImplementationList interface provides the abstraction of an ordered collection of DOM implementations, without defining or constraining how this collection is implemented
 CDOMLocatorDOMLocator is an interface that describes a location
 CDOMLSInputThis interface represents a single input source for an XML entity
 CDOMLSOutputThis interface represents an output destination for data
 CDOMLSParserDOMLSParser provides an API for parsing XML documents and building the corresponding DOM document tree
 CDOMLSResourceResolverDOMLSResourceResolver provides a way for applications to redirect references to external entities
 CDOMLSSerializerFilterDOMLSSerializerFilter.hpp: interface for the DOMLSSerializerFilter class
 CDOMMemoryManagerThe DOMMemoryManager interface exposes the memory allocation-related functionalities of a DOMDocument
 CDOMNamedNodeMapDOMNamedNodeMaps are used to represent collections of nodes that can be accessed by name
 CDOMNodeThe DOMNode interface is the primary datatype for the entire Document Object Model
 CDOMNodeFilterFilters are objects that know how to "filter out" nodes
 CDOMNodeIteratorDOMNodeIterators are used to step through a set of nodes, e.g
 CDOMNodeListThe DOMNodeList interface provides the abstraction of an ordered collection of nodes
 CDOMNotationThis interface represents a notation declared in the DTD
 CDOMProcessingInstructionThe DOMProcessingInstruction interface represents a "processing instruction", used in XML as a way to keep processor-specific information in the text of the document
 CDOMPSVITypeInfoThe DOMPSVITypeInfo interface represent the PSVI info used by DOMElement or DOMAttr nodes, specified in the schemas associated with the document
 CDOMRangeExceptionRange operations may throw a DOMRangeException as specified in their method descriptions
 CDOMStringListThe DOMStringList interface provides the abstraction of an ordered collection of strings, without defining or constraining how this collection is implemented
 CDOMTextThe DOMText interface inherits from DOMCharacterData and represents the textual content (termed character data in XML) of an DOMElement or DOMAttr
 CDOMTreeWalkerDOMTreeWalker objects are used to navigate a document tree or subtree using the view of the document defined by their whatToShow flags and filter (if any)
 CDOMTypeInfoThe DOMTypeInfo interface represent a type used by DOMElement or DOMAttr nodes, specified in the schemas associated with the document
 CDOMUserDataHandlerWhen associating an object to a key on a node using setUserData the application can provide a handler that gets called when the node the object is associated to is being cloned or imported
 CDOMXPathEvaluatorThe evaluation of XPath expressions is provided by DOMXPathEvaluator
 CDOMXPathExpressionThe DOMXPathExpression interface represents a parsed and resolved XPath expression
 CDOMXPathNamespaceThe DOMXPathNamespace interface is returned by DOMXPathResult interfaces to represent the XPath namespace node type that DOM lacks
 CDOMXPathNSResolverThe DOMXPathNSResolver interface permit prefix strings in the expression to be properly bound to namespaceURI strings
 CDOMXPathResultThe DOMXPathResult interface represents the result of the evaluation of an XPath 1.0 or XPath 2.0 expression within the context of a particular node
 CDTDHandlerReceive notification of basic DTD-related events
 CEntityResolverBasic interface for resolving entities
 CErrorHandlerBasic interface for SAX error handlers
 CHandlerBaseDefault base class for handlers
 CInputSourceA single input source for an XML entity
 CLexicalHandlerReceive notification of lexical events
 CLocalFileInputSourceThis class is a derivative of the standard InputSource class
 CLocatorInterface for associating a SAX event with a document location
 CMemBufInputSourceThis class is a derivative of the standard InputSource class
 CMemoryManagerConfigurable memory manager
 CPanicHandlerReceive notification of panic
 CParserBasic interface for SAX (Simple API for XML) parsers
 CPSVIAttributeStorageA container for the PSVI contributions to attributes that occur on a particular element
 CPSVIHandlerThis abstract class provides the interface for the scanner to return PSVI information to the application
 CSAXExceptionEncapsulate a general SAX error or warning
 CSAXParseExceptionEncapsulate an XML parse error or warning
 CSAXParserThis class implements the SAX 'Parser' interface and should be used by applications wishing to parse the XML files using SAX
 CSecurityManagerAllow application to force the parser to behave in a security-conscious way
 CStdInInputSourceThis class is a derivative of the standard InputSource class
 CURLInputSourceThis class is a derivative of the standard InputSource class
 CWrapper4DOMLSInputWrap a DOMLSInput object and make it behave like a SAX InputSource
 CWrapper4InputSourceWrap a SAX InputSource object and make it behave like DOMLSInput
 CXercesDOMParserThis class implements the Document Object Model (DOM) interface
 CXMemoryThis class makes it possible to override the C++ memory management by adding new/delete operators to this base class
 CXMLAttDefRepresents the core information of an attribute definition
 CXMLAttDefListThis class defines an abstract interface that all validators must support
 CXMLAttrThis class defines the information about an attribute that will come out of the scanner during parsing
 CXMLContentModelThis class defines the abstract interface for all content models
 CXMLDocumentHandlerThis abstract class provides the interface for the scanner to return XML document information up to the parser as it scans through the document
 CXMLElementDeclThis class defines the core information of an element declaration
 CXMLEntityDeclThis class defines that core information that defines an XML entity, no matter what validator is used
 CXMLEntityHandlerThis abstract class is a callback mechanism for the scanner
 CXMLEntityResolverRevised interface for resolving entities
 CXMLErrorReporterThis abstract class defines a callback mechanism for the scanner
 CXMLFormatterThis class provides the basic formatting capabilities that are required to turn the Unicode based XML data from the parsers into a form that can be used on non-Unicode based systems, that is, into local or generic text encodings
 CXMLInitializerUtilities that must be implemented in a class-specific way
 CXMLNotationDeclThis class represents the core information about a notation declaration that all validators must at least support
 CXMLPlatformUtilsUtilities that must be implemented in a platform-specific way
 CXMLReaderFactoryCreates a SAX2 parser (SAX2XMLReader)
 CXMLStringClass for representing native character strings and handling common string operations
 CXMLStringTokenizerThe string tokenizer class breaks a string into tokens
 CXMLTranscoderXMLTranscoder is for transcoding non-local code page encodings, i.e
 CXMLValidatorThis abstract class provides the interface for all validators
 CXSTypeDefinitionThis class represents a complexType or simpleType definition