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This page lists popular application and libraries that
are based on or provide an additional functionality on
top of Xerces-C++. If you know of an application that
you feel should be listed here, send an email with all the
relevant information to one of the
Xerces-C++ mailing lists.
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XSD is an open-source XML Schema to C++ data
binding compiler that uses Xerces-C++ as the underlying XML
parser. Provided with an XML instance specification (XML Schema), XSD
generates C++ classes that represent the given vocabulary as well
as parsing and serialization code. You can then access the data
stored in XML using types and functions that semantically
correspond to your application domain rather than dealing with
direct representations of XML such as DOM and SAX.
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is an open-source XSLT processor for transforming XML documents
into HTML, text, or other XML document types. It implementes the W3C
recommendations for XSL Transformations (XSLT) and the XML Path
Language (XPath) and is based on Xerces-C++.
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is an open-source XQuery and XPath 2.0 implementation based
on Xerces-C++. It implements the DOM 3 XPath API and conforms
to the W3C proposed recommendation of XQuery and XPath 2.0.