Xerces-C++ 3.3.0
XMLException Member List

This is the complete list of members for XMLException, including all inherited members.

getCode() constXMLException
getErrorType() constXMLException
getMessage() constXMLException
getSrcFile() constXMLException
getSrcLine() constXMLException
getType() const =0XMLExceptionpure virtual
loadExceptText(const XMLExcepts::Codes toLoad)XMLExceptionprotected
loadExceptText(const XMLExcepts::Codes toLoad, const XMLCh *const text1, const XMLCh *const text2=0, const XMLCh *const text3=0, const XMLCh *const text4=0)XMLExceptionprotected
loadExceptText(const XMLExcepts::Codes toLoad, const char *const text1, const char *const text2=0, const char *const text3=0, const char *const text4=0)XMLExceptionprotected
operator delete(void *p)XMemory
operator delete(void *p, MemoryManager *memMgr)XMemory
operator delete(void *p, void *ptr)XMemory
operator new(size_t size)XMemory
operator new(size_t size, MemoryManager *memMgr)XMemory
operator new(size_t size, void *ptr)XMemory
operator=(const XMLException &toAssign)XMLException
setPosition(const char *const file, const XMLFileLoc line)XMLException
XMLException(const char *const srcFile, const XMLFileLoc srcLine, MemoryManager *const memoryManager=0)XMLException
XMLException(const XMLException &toCopy)XMLException