173 const XMLCh *data) = 0;
418 const XMLCh *qualifiedName) = 0;
483 const XMLCh *qualifiedName) = 0;
498 const XMLCh *localName)
const = 0;
787 return createDocumentType(qName);
810 const XMLCh *qualifiedName,
Definition XercesDefs.hpp:166
Definition XercesDefs.hpp:112
Definition XercesDefs.hpp:113
char16_t XMLCh
Definition Xerces_autoconf_config.hpp:120
XMLUInt64 XMLFileLoc
Definition Xerces_autoconf_config.hpp:144
CDATA sections are used to escape blocks of text containing characters that would otherwise be regard...
Definition DOMCDATASection.hpp:65
The DOMConfiguration interface represents the configuration of a document and maintains a table of re...
Definition DOMConfiguration.hpp:351
DOMDocumentFragment is a "lightweight" or "minimal" DOMDocument object.
Definition DOMDocumentFragment.hpp:71
Definition DOMDocumentRange.hpp:37
DOMDocumentTraversal contains methods that create DOMNodeIterators and DOMTreeWalkers to traverse a n...
Definition DOMDocumentTraversal.hpp:47
Each DOMDocument has a doctype attribute whose value is either null or a DOMDocumentType object.
Definition DOMDocumentType.hpp:45
The DOMDocument interface represents the entire XML document.
Definition DOMDocument.hpp:67
virtual DOMEntityReference * createEntityReference(const XMLCh *name)=0
Creates an DOMEntityReference object.
virtual ~DOMDocument()
Definition DOMDocument.hpp:99
virtual void setXmlStandalone(bool standalone)=0
An attribute specifying, as part of the XML declaration, whether this document is standalone.
virtual DOMElement * getElementById(const XMLCh *elementId) const =0
Returns the DOMElement whose ID is given by elementId.
virtual const XMLCh * getDocumentURI() const =0
The location of the document or null if undefined.
virtual DOMEntity * createEntity(const XMLCh *name)=0
Non-standard extension.
virtual const XMLCh * getXmlVersion() const =0
An attribute specifying, as part of the XML declaration, the version number of this document.
virtual DOMElement * getDocumentElement() const =0
This is a convenience attribute that allows direct access to the child node that is the root element ...
virtual DOMAttr * createAttribute(const XMLCh *name)=0
Creates an DOMAttr of the given name.
virtual DOMImplementation * getImplementation() const =0
The DOMImplementation object that handles this document.
virtual void setXmlVersion(const XMLCh *version)=0
An attribute specifying, as part of the XML declaration, the version number of this document.
virtual const XMLCh * getXmlEncoding() const =0
An attribute specifying, as part of the XML declaration, the encoding of this document.
virtual const XMLCh * getInputEncoding() const =0
An attribute specifying the encoding used for this document at the time of the parsing.
Definition DOMDocument.hpp:76
virtual DOMText * createTextNode(const XMLCh *data)=0
Creates a DOMText node given the specified string.
virtual bool getStrictErrorChecking() const =0
An attribute specifying whether errors checking is enforced or not.
virtual DOMNode * importNode(const DOMNode *importedNode, bool deep)=0
Imports a node from another document to this document.
virtual DOMNode * adoptNode(DOMNode *source)=0
Changes the ownerDocument of a node, its children, as well as the attached attribute nodes if there a...
virtual DOMAttr * createAttributeNS(const XMLCh *namespaceURI, const XMLCh *qualifiedName)=0
Creates an attribute of the given qualified name and namespace URI.
virtual DOMComment * createComment(const XMLCh *data)=0
Creates a DOMComment node given the specified string.
virtual void normalizeDocument()=0
This method acts as if the document was going through a save and load cycle, putting the document in ...
virtual DOMProcessingInstruction * createProcessingInstruction(const XMLCh *target, const XMLCh *data)=0
Creates a DOMProcessingInstruction node given the specified name and data strings.
virtual DOMNotation * createNotation(const XMLCh *name)=0
Non-standard extension.
virtual void setDocumentURI(const XMLCh *documentURI)=0
The location of the document or null if undefined.
virtual DOMNode * renameNode(DOMNode *n, const XMLCh *namespaceURI, const XMLCh *qualifiedName)=0
Rename an existing node.
virtual DOMDocumentType * createDocumentType(const XMLCh *name)=0
Non-standard extension.
virtual bool getXmlStandalone() const =0
An attribute specifying, as part of the XML declaration, whether this document is standalone.
virtual DOMElement * createElementNS(const XMLCh *namespaceURI, const XMLCh *qualifiedName)=0
Creates an element of the given qualified name and namespace URI.
virtual void setStrictErrorChecking(bool strictErrorChecking)=0
An attribute specifying whether errors checking is enforced or not.
virtual DOMConfiguration * getDOMConfig() const =0
The configuration used when DOMDocument::normalizeDocument is invoked.
virtual DOMElement * createElementNS(const XMLCh *namespaceURI, const XMLCh *qualifiedName, const XMLFileLoc lineNum, const XMLFileLoc columnNum)=0
Non-standard extension.
virtual DOMElement * createElement(const XMLCh *tagName)=0
Creates an element of the type specified.
virtual DOMNodeList * getElementsByTagNameNS(const XMLCh *namespaceURI, const XMLCh *localName) const =0
Returns a DOMNodeList of all the DOMElement(s) with a given local name and namespace URI in the order...
virtual DOMDocumentType * createDocumentType(const XMLCh *qName, const XMLCh *, const XMLCh *)
Definition DOMDocument.hpp:782
virtual DOMDocumentFragment * createDocumentFragment()=0
Creates an empty DOMDocumentFragment object.
virtual DOMNodeList * getElementsByTagName(const XMLCh *tagname) const =0
Returns a DOMNodeList of all the DOMElement(s) with a given tag name in the order in which they are e...
virtual DOMDocumentType * getDoctype() const =0
The Document Type Declaration (see DOMDocumentType) associated with this document.
virtual DOMCDATASection * createCDATASection(const XMLCh *data)=0
Creates a DOMCDATASection node whose value is the specified string.
By far the vast majority of objects (apart from text) that authors encounter when traversing a docume...
Definition DOMElement.hpp:66
DOMEntityReference objects may be inserted into the structure model when an entity reference is in th...
Definition DOMEntityReference.hpp:57
This interface represents an entity, either parsed or unparsed, in an XML document.
Definition DOMEntity.hpp:66
The DOMImplementation interface provides a number of methods for performing operations that are indep...
Definition DOMImplementation.hpp:44
Filters are objects that know how to "filter out" nodes.
Definition DOMNodeFilter.hpp:50
The DOMNodeList interface provides the abstraction of an ordered collection of nodes.
Definition DOMNodeList.hpp:45
The DOMNode interface is the primary datatype for the entire Document Object Model.
Definition DOMNode.hpp:139
This interface represents a notation declared in the DTD.
Definition DOMNotation.hpp:44
The DOMProcessingInstruction interface represents a "processinginstruction", used in XML as a way to ...
Definition DOMProcessingInstruction.hpp:38
The DOMText interface inherits from DOMCharacterData and represents the textual content (termed chara...
Definition DOMText.hpp:51
The evaluation of XPath expressions is provided by DOMXPathEvaluator.
Definition DOMXPathEvaluator.hpp:48